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We are pleased to announce that our long-time friend and colleague, David Cooley (aka ‘Cools’) has launched the TIIME impact imperative in the US and beyond! “Our evolution from a social impact event and investment company to now providing more tools and advisory services, has led to the exciting opportunity to spread our wings and make an impact in the Americas as well,” said CEO Pahlson-Moller. “As we grow, we look for teammates who share our core values. And as a longtime colleague, I know Dave is a perfect fit to grow TIIME in a meaningful way”. Cooley spent the last 15 years helping establish Evalueserve as a global business research and data analytics leader, and along the way became involved and inspired by social causes. He has helped drive social improvements in India and Kenya in particular. “Success in mainstream business is nice, but actually bringing sustainable positive change to peoples’ lives gives me the most joy,” said Cooley. “I enjoy the challenge of helping for-profit firms become more socially aware, while at the same time guiding non-profit firms and social entrepreneurships to be more business savvy. I am thrilled to join Hedda who has become the ‘gold standard’ in instilling positive Social Impact throughout Europe.” David Cooley is in the New York tri-state area and can be reached at+1.203.494.5575, or on Tweeter:@kewlz

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